If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with an item you purchase from www.absorbentdesigns.com, you may return it for a refund or exchange within 30 days of the date of purchase.
Please include a copy of the receipt or invoice, along with the new, unused item and all original product packaging and accessories.
To Return or Exchange an Item by Mail:
- On a copy of your original receipt, please indicate (highlight, circle, etc.) the item(s) you wish to return.
- On a separate sheet of paper, please provide the following information:
- Detailed explanation of the reason(s) you wish to return the item(s).
- Your name, phone number and address, if different from what is on the receipt.
- Indicate if you wish to exchange the item for a comparable item
- Exchange for same item (if received original damaged)
- Exchange for different size of same item
- Exchange for different item
4. Additional shipping and handling will be charged for all exchanges with the exception of damaged goods.
- Repack the new, unused item(s), any/all accessories, the copy of your receipt, your reasons for wishing to return the item(s), and your requested replacement item(s), if any, securely in the original product packaging. Use new packaging if original packaging is not available or is damaged.
- Send the item(s) and materials requested above to:
- Absorbent Designs Products Returns
- Absorbent Designs, 9030 Northfield Dr. Ste I, Fort Mill, SC. 29707
IMPORTANT: Be sure to insure the package for its full value and request tracking proof of delivery. We cannot be responsible for any items lost in the mail or damaged upon return.
- Upon receiving and processing the returned item(s), Absorbent Designs will refund the cost of the returned item(s) plus sales tax to the credit card you originally used to purchase the item(s). Please allow 10 – 15 business days for the credit to appear on your credit card statement.
- If you indicate that you wish to exchange an item for one of greater value, those charges will be applied to your credit card, and a new receipt will be issued.
- Original shipping charges, your costs to return item(s), and charges to ship exchanged item(s), if applicable, will not be refunded.
- If you need to return or exchange an item you received as a gift or if you do not have the original receipt, contact our Customer Assistance Department.